Селфи после кесарева — и важный посыл миру

Селфи после кесарева — и важный посыл миру

Австралийский блогер и мама Мэл Уоттс опубликовала в своем инстаграме две фотографии: одна сделана на 30-й неделе беременности, а вторая — спустя четыре дня после кесарева. В подписи к публикации она выступила со своего рода манифестом бодипозитива и призывом любить свое тело — которое дарит миру новых людей. У записи уже более семи тысяч лайков. 

Вот текст подписи: «Верхнее фото — 30 недель беременности, нижнее фото — спустя четыре дня после кесарева. Улет. Откровенно говоря, это не храм и не чертово произведение искусства. Но это тело, мое тело, подарило человеку жизнь. Еще один человечек, которого можно любить и обнимать. Оно девять месяцев носило его, давало ему кров, охраняло и готовило к рождению. Сколько раз я ощущала неуверенность в собственном теле, щипала и теребила части, которые мне не нравились. В реальности мое тело сделало все, что я от него когда-либо хотела. Конечно, некоторые сочтут, что оно не для обложки журнала и не для выхода в купальнике. Но для меня и моего мужа мое тело — это место, вырастившее наших деток. С него началось все, что мы любим. А ведь это самое важное, верно?! Мы ощущаем необходимость следовать предрассудкам общества о том, как мы должны выглядеть, когда на самом деле мы должны делать то, что нам хочется. У всех тела разные, у каждого свое. Наслаждайтесь ими».

? Top photo 30 weeks pregnant Bottom photo 4 days post Caesarean section. Wow. Honestly it's no castle or bloody piece of art. Sure it's filled with stretch marks and dimples. But this body, this one the one I own gave me another life. Another small human to love and to hold. It held onto him for 9 months and sheltered him, protected him and prepared him for the day he was born. So many times I've doubted my body, so many times I've pinched and pulled at sections that I didn't like. In reality this body has done everything I'd ever want it to do. Sure it's not magazine or swimsuit worthy to some. But to me and my husband, it's the place that grew our babies. It's the place that everything we love most started. And that's all that counts right?! We feel as though we need to follow society's stigma on what we should look like when in fact we should just do what we feel works for us. No body has the same body And every body has their own body. Enjoy it.

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А вот фотография Мэл с сыном. Подпись такая: «Поприветствуйте, мой сыночек Джордж Уоттс. Он родился и закричал, но сейчас у него все в порядке. У нас у обоих все хорошо. Мамочку посадили на таблетки и она восстанавливается. 3 243 кг, темные волосы и любовь».

Sonny George you've stolen my heart. I find it really strange after a Caesarean section. I don't find that I really bond with my baby until 24 hours after the operation. I find that I can't move properly, I'm in pain and I just don't get to obsess over little things like his toes because I can't really see them properly. Today I soaked in much needed Sonny cuddles and love. He has had a couple of bottles today and his mucus is slowly coming to an end. When he cries he sounds like a kitten and we haven't reached the newborn cry yet, just screeching. I changed my first Sonny nappy and let me tell you — balls. They're difficult aren't they?! My uterus is cramping like no tomorrow these after pains are next level. I forgot about them. So excited for our life to begin as a family of six. As we prepare for the next chapter in our life ….. everyone repeat after me VASECTOMY TIME. The name Sonny means young son, which is perfect because he is our youngest son. I'm going to try and catch some sleep whilst he is and hope for more than a couple of hours lol. ?

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"Alright kids let's get you all together and smile with your new baby brother" ??‍♀️ whatever. Everyone has been asking me what's happening with Nolan and the kids etc. Nolan is off work so he is with Sonny and I morning until late afternoon. All the kids have been at daycare, preschool and school on Tuesdays and Thursday this week. So they go there and Nolans mum picks them up around 3ish brings them to the hospital where they come and visit Sonny for about an hour and then Nolan takes them home and baths, feeds and puts them all to bed. He's making sure they don't feel too out of place and keeping our routine going. Today the girls are having a nanny day with Nolan's mum and because I'm emotional hormonal today I told him not to bring the kids in today so she'll have them until this afternoon and Nolan will go home and do the normal routine with them. I planned to go home tomorrow but I'm leaning more to leave on Friday. There's no rush for me to be there and I'm quite sore still. I think this time I've learnt to listen to my body. Sounds odd I know. But as much as I want to go home I'd be useless and just be in the way. I'd forever be telling Indie not to jump on me or put things on the babies face ?… I would be in more pain and I know I'd try and do things and it's just not worth it. Don't get me wrong I miss the kids like crazy but this is the only time I'm going to get to rest and recover. Even though csections are common we mustn't forget it's still a major surgery. He's totally worth it ?

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