Австралийка провела тренировку во время родов

Австралийка провела тренировку во время родов

Анна Строуд из Мельбурна выложила в инстаграме видео, где она в процессе родов делает физические упражнения, и ролик уже был просмотрен более 53 тысяч раз. Анна, у которой помимо только что родившейся девочки уже есть двое детей, известна в интернете своими вдохновляющими тренировками и реалистичными публикациями о беременности, но в этот раз ей удалось превзойти саму себя.

«Моя последняя #беременнаятренировка прошла в роддоме за несколько часов до появления на свет великолепной Мэди Грейс», — гласит подпись под видео. В ролике видно, как бесстрашная Анна, которая на тот момент испытывала усталость и боль, делает физические упражнения — все, от приседаний до выпадов. В комментариях к записи Анну среди прочего называют «рок-звездой».

My last #pregnancyworkout was at the hospital just hours before we met our gorgeous Madi Grace ?✨? We were on the ward waiting for contractions to ramp up and a delivery suite to become available so we could meet our sweet baby girl ?? Speaking of delivery suites, guess what — our little Madi Grace was born in the EXACT same room as Lachie and Sammy. The hospital is big and has over 20 delivery suites but it just so happened that they were all welcomed into the world in the same room ? how cool is that!!! #workout #pregnancy #inspirepregnancy #fitmom #fitmum #fitmomsofig #pregnancyexercise #fitpregnancy Disclaimer: This video is exclusively managed by Caters News. To license or use in a commercial player please contact info@catersnews.com or call +44 121 616 1100 / +1 646 380 1615

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Полезно ли заниматься спортом во время беременности? Чем активнее беременная, тем проще ей после родов будет вернуться в форму. Кроме того, хорошая физическая подготовка поможет легче перенести схватки во время родов. И тем не менее, нужно отметить, что если до беременности вы не особенно активно занимались спортом, не следует пылко ударяться в физическую активность, увидев на тесте две полоски.

Eeeee I keep wondering if this will be our last workout with bubs in my belly ?? at 40+5 days pregnant surely we have to be close to meeting our little miss ?? I must admit, this was more of just a quick play while the boys had a yogurt and read some stories rather than a workout — but I'm just happy I still made some time to get my body moving, every little bit helps me smile so that means every little bit counts ?? The outtake from today's doctors appointment is bub seems ready to go ~ so any day now I'm going to be a mama to 2 x beautiful boys and a baby girl — I'm so excited ??? Oh and PS ~ you should also know that today a really loud fart fully FELL OUT when I was in a PACKED FULL lift (elevator) at the hospital… ? little miss must be sitting right on my bowel ?? I almost died but then realised I'm too pregnant to even care about what others think of me at the moment ? can any mamas relate?! #40weeks #pregnant #pregnancyexercise #homeexercises #fitpregnancy #babybump #mumlife #fitmum

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Heart = so incredibly FULL ??? aren't they just gorgeous!!! The three little best of friends ? Ok, so I'm just going to put my hand up ? and admit I COMPLETELY UNDERESTIMATED how hard it was going to be by welcoming a newborn with twins that had just turned 2! Yes, I knew it was going to be hard but my anxiety levels when I think about hubby going back to work are NEXL LEVEL ?? I know we will adjust, it's only been 5 days since Madi joined us in this world but WOW what a whirlwind the last 5 days have been! I've cried, then I've laughed then I've cried a little more. There's moments when it seems impossible but then there's the teeny tiny moments that are few and far between but I think 'I can do this' and they're the moments I've got to hold onto. 5 days in ~ just need to remind myself that it will take time but trying to be positive is what will help get us through ✨? Lachie and Sammy's super snug sleeping bags are by @ergopouch ?

A post shared by Anna Strode (@bubs2bikinis) on


Дина Мингалиева



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